Monday, 25 May 2015

5 Things we all cherish about school!

We all have a special place in our hearts for our school. It’s really refreshing to sometimes travel down memory lane and cherish all those moments.

schools in pune | skoolhunt1. The school bell!: Most of us might get an image of an old rusty bell made up of a copper-like metal. All our lunch breaks, morning assemblies started with the ring of this bell! Wait, and who can forget the start and end of exams? Sometimes a friend, sometimes a foe- this bell still rings in everyone’s hearts.

2. Lunch breaks: That one hour in school that we all used to look forward to. Colorful tiffin boxes filled with delicious home-made food, the USP of lunch breaks! But it’s not just hungry stomachs you will find. There will be some who will abandon their tiffins to run around till their heart’s content!

3. Teachers: Our guiding lights! It’s said that teaching is one of the noblest professions. Not everyone can carry it off well. We still remain fortunate to our teachers who sowed the seeds of what we are today. We erred and they corrected us. All of us must have had that favourite teacher we couldn’t stop talking about. Imagine bumping into him/her years later?

4. Games period: Sporty or not, each and every child waits for this period. You must have too! Breaking away from the shackles of a classroom and getting some fresh air out on the ground gives you a basic idea of this celebrated games period. The number of games that have been invented on this ground are countless and however silly they may have been, I am sure every one of us have them crystal clear in our minds.

5. School bus: A joy ride to, and from school! This just sums it up. Those who haven’t been in a school bus, do not waste time and hop onto your child’s bus. It’s one thrilling roller coaster ride.

Monday, 18 May 2015

Have you compared schools before admission?

Gone are the days when you had to spend every weekend roaming around the city, visiting different schools for your child’s admission and then ticking them off from your list! The time has come to sit at home and continue the same search in a very relaxed and easy manner. As mentioned in the previous blogs, is a portal for finding the right school for your child. As you get acquainted with this site, you will realise how things have been made easier for you and your ‘hunt’.

There’s one more feature that we’d like to tell you about! What if you wanted to check if school ABC and school XYZ are the same or different? If yes, then how? A comprehensive comparison table will be shown to you, helping you ease out your confusion.

As you can see in the screenshot below, a comparison button is given on the right side. It will compare all the schools of the medium, location and board you have specified in the search bar.
The table below is the comparison that you see in an organised manner.  It covers all the parameters that parents generally look for.  While some might focus on playgrounds, some might want a proper school bus service! It gives you a scale to measure out all your needs and expectations.
This is a beta launch done very recently. Go check it out, it’s a cool site. And don’t forget to provide your valuable experience of visiting Frankly, I haven’t seen such a site before this, where it’s all about finding the right school. Really cool!!


Monday, 11 May 2015

Lets Find Good School For Your Child, TOGETHER!!
The word school brings along many thoughts, memories and emotions with it. A school is said to a students second home, and I am sure everyone would be able to relate to this! A school is where we first learn how to sing, play, read, and write and countless other things.  All of us have possibly some of our best friends from those golden school days! Its often seen that children may be reluctant to wake up early and go off to school. But the minute they enter the school premises, they get into a different mood altogether! That is the charismatic feel of any school. You get to learn, make new friends, participate in various activities and competitions and completely immerse yourselves in this entire learning process! 

Here is a poem which aptly describes how parents feel about the school life of their children. Here is a small excerpt from the poem Letting Go:

Their lives begin, that special day
Your hardest job is on the way.
Walking and pacing, all night long
Knowing that one day, they’ll be strong.

Watching them crawl, then walk and run
Treasure each moment, share their fun.
They grow so fast, enjoy each day
For sometime soon, they’ll move away.

Years of school, sometimes they will drag
We’re filled with pride, we parents brag.
Teaching our kids, always be kind
Lasting friendships, many will find.

School life is the start of a journey towards many ambitions and dreams, painted both by the children and their parents. We need to make the most of this span of almost a decade and nurture them to grow up as self-sustained and able individuals! Our parents have put us in the right school and that helped us build our personality and career. So, get it right for your loved ones as well.